Voltbuilder & SMSsend error

Search and see this thread “VoltBuilder plugin unknown”,and u have the answer.

I have the following code.

//Send an SMS message using Cordova SMS plugin
 //Android can use Message app or native.
 //iOS is Message app only.
var app = {
    checkSMSPermission: function() {
        var success = function (hasPermission) {
            if (hasPermission) {
            else {
                // show a helpful message to explain why you need to require the permission to send a SMS
                // read http://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting.html#explain for more best practices
                alert("no permissions set");
        var error = function (e) { alert('Something went wrong:' + e); };
        sms.hasPermission(success, error);
 function Main() {
     if (typeof(cordova) == "undefined") {
         NSB.MsgBox("This sample must be built with VoltBuilder. It will only run on an iOS or Android device.");


 Button1.onclick = function() {
     var options = {};

     options.replaceLineBreaks = false; //True To Replace \n by a new line, False by default
     options.android = {};

     if (radMethod.value == 0) {
         options.android.intent = "INTENT";
     } else {
         options.android.intent = "";

     sms.send(inpNumber.value, txtMessage.value, options, success, error);

 function success() {
     NSB.MsgBox("Message sent successfully");

 function error(e) {
     NSB.MsgBox("Message Failed:" + e);

When I run the app there are no permission requests.

I get message Failed. User has denied permission.

That worked ok but it sends the client to the sms app and they have to press send. I need to send them without user intervention.

You need to press the send button in the sms app to complete smsing.this typical behavoir stop the hacker from doing harmless stuff on the user phone.iphone has more restriction.best rdgs,tst

Hi tst. This is to be used in-house to do our own bulk sms,

Android and iphone has its own restriction on this.no one can help u on this aspect.sorry for the truth…

You can’t send sms in the background. That practice was disallowed years ago because developers were abusing the practice and running up huge texting charges on their users phone bills.

Ok. Anyone know which version of Android allows this and where I can download that version for Galaxy S20.


This might be pretty tricky. Most of the references to this ability seem to fizzle out around 2013 with the release of Android 4.0. Generally this is why services like Twilio which provide APIs for sending SMS messages and work well with AppStudio.

If you must send SMS messages from the phone via some automation there are several options out there that might do the trick - searching for “android automate sms” brings up a number of options. Good luck!