The AppStudio wiki is down ( We’re working on getting it back up.
In the meantime, you can use Language Reference Offline and Handbook Offline on the AppStudio Help menu.
The AppStudio wiki is down ( We’re working on getting it back up.
In the meantime, you can use Language Reference Offline and Handbook Offline on the AppStudio Help menu.
Offline not working if a link is to a url like:
Any idea when this will be up again?
Thanks, John
From the Help menu:
Language Reference Offline
Main Page (left panel)
Tech Notes
Distributing your App
Through the back door, but worked.
Thanks John
The wiki is back to work.
We ran into problems updating to the latest version of MediaWiki - it corrupted the wiki indexes. Fortunately, we had a backup to roll back to and try again.
(And, if you’re reading this, run through your own configuration. Everything have a backup?)