I run make windows exe and I keep getting…a folder without the exe file. Program runs well on pc and android and no error messages.
If I create a new app or run any of the sample apps…the exe file is created… What I am doing wrong?
I run make windows exe and I keep getting…a folder without the exe file. Program runs well on pc and android and no error messages.
If I create a new app or run any of the sample apps…the exe file is created… What I am doing wrong?
Are there any errors in the Make.innosetup.log file?
Not sure what that is not listed in the group of files. Where do I find it.
Found the file I get the following error:
error: Icon file is invalid.
Compile aborted.
Solved it…thanks
Was the problem your icon file?
Yes, I was using the icon file I use for android apps. It only accepts the icon pic of NS.
The image needs to be in .ico format.