Are there any viable alternatives to using Phonegap Build to make an Android/iOS app?
PGB seems to be all but dead, there are have been no updates on the version since last year despite a number of Cordova updates. The forums are full of unanswered questions, and no blog/twitter posts.
I build my IOS version with Xcode/Cordova, but still use PGB for Android as it’s simple. But I worry that things will begin to break without updates to newer Cordova versions. I’m not even sure if it will work for the new 64bit requirement starting Aug 1, 2019.
Any info/recommendations would be much appreciated
We’re aware of the situation and watching it carefully.
In the worst case, apps can be built locally using PhoneGap CLI. That works now - but if needed, we will provide additional help and documentation for this.
Ok thanks. I just looked at your wiki entry for using the CLI, not a simple matter. I’ll keep using PGB then for now until something triggers a change, or if I need to run a newer version than is available.
Hopefully an alternative option will develop over time.
Thanks. Glad they have finally updated, although I will tread carefully and test everything as always seems to break something when there is an update.
According to PGB support, PGB is officially in maintenance mode. This is the last update they’ll be providing and as several people have noticed, they have broken a bunch of stuff in the process.
Several people that I know of are working on a replacement service so this update will hopefully give everyone a little bit of breathing room.