AppStudio released!

We’re pleased to announce AppStudio is ready.

We found a few more items which needed to be fixed.

  1. Design Screen: Fix problem with screen not showing controls if Grid present.
  2. Forms: All forms were displaying briefly at startup.
  3. Samples: Get rid of obsolete background style.

Download the latest version from ‘Check for Updates’ under then AppStudio Help menu. It is a free upgrade for AppStudio 6 users.

Now I cannot open the sample project files for example the indexDB. Got error message, “Invalid characters in the project file name …”. I am using Mac

Just uploaded - Can you see if it fixes the problem? There was an issue with file name encoding.

Hi George, doesn’t fix the problem.

Is there a known issue with regarding the GoogleMaps Control? It shows a grey space and tiles saying no Pictures available. Was working fine with whithout any change to the source. Probably Fixed in

Best Regards
Christian Probst

I see the problem here too. It appears to be Mac only. We’ll fix it.

No, this is not fixed in Thanks for reporting this! just uploaded. It fixes this particular issue only. It was only happening when opening samples on Mac OS.

I’m not seeing this here. Are there any messages on the Console? There may be an issue with the API key. Changes were made there.

I have the same Problem with the GoogleMaps Control.
From the release note: "Controls: Google Maps: Use apiKey when initializing."
But where and how to do that?

The GoogleMap control has an apiKey property.

the property apiKey is old stuff, since 6.2.4.: "Controls: GoogleMaps now has API property."
And it worked fine till 6.3. So how to initialize? I’m using BASIC

The discussion on Google Maps has been moved to