Running on a MAC using Safari as the target browser (I have also tried other browsers), I have encountered issues that do not occur in Specifically, I am using “Start in a Desktop Browser” run-mode to run a Leaflet map app. No issues in but in the latest release multiple browser errors occur, starting with several ‘Source Map loading errors’ (‘file not found’ or ‘load failed’) that do not happen in the html run from the previous version. Whether these are related or not the end result is that tiles from fail to load. Changing the CSP directives or making them completely open doesn’t help. Anyway, it still works fine in the run from the previous version.
Not sure if is related, but I also note that a new, always empty, ‘extraheaders.html’ has been generated in the properties folder of the project despite there being entries for these in the project.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-p4NxAoJBhIIN+hmNHrzRCf9tD/miZyoHS5obTRR9BMY=" crossorigin=""/>
<!-- Make sure you put this AFTER Leaflet's CSS -->
<script src="" integrity="sha256-20nQCchB9co0qIjJZRGuk2/Z9VM+kNiyxNV1lvTlZBo=" crossorigin="">
To be clear on what you mean by “when I run from my server”, are you talking about the localhost server after launching the app in test mode via the AppStudio “Start in Desktop Browser” run button? This is where my problem occurs. Deploying the app to VoltServer for example, is fine.
Here is the screenshot after the “Start in Desktop Browser” launch:
Again to be clear, if this is just an effect of the new version imposing more constraining but legitimate html rules, than that’s OK. I’m just a bit slow working out what to include in the project to forgo this.
The major change between run creation in this versus the previous version seems to be the appstudioFunctions.js contents. In the end I can continue to work in for development if that’s the only way to cater for my hacking style of development (you may have guessed that my IT career didn’t include a lot of programming! ).
Having some issues with the new version (on Android device)
SQLExport no longer working (which is a fairly major one for my ability to debug)
(Was / is working on previous version)
I’m also having some strange issues INSERTing image data into tables and then recalling for AJAX Posting.
(i’m aware this should be kept to a minimum - but it was working fine on the previous version.)
So I unticked
SQLite (WASM) and instead used the plugin cordova-sqlite-evcore-extbuild-free .
Now, it seems to work well. No issues with photos populating tables.
No problem with SQLExport either.
Seems to be a minor problem with creating one of the tables… but I need to investigate that. (i have 27 tables in this project)
So… in general… it seems this ‘works’ on the device a bit better than the SQLite WASM library… (for now!)