New android upload procedure

I deleted my app and recreate my app,but found up it says oath brand not detected…need to create edit…every subsequence changes in play console is new.i think rigt now,the nsbasic team needs to rewrite a new documentation.unless the play console i visited is not real.

I am having trouble understanding your question. Can you make it more clear?

Playstore new upload procedure?

What happens when you click on Create new service account?

I can click on it,but cant find google cloud plaform…

Can you send a screenshot of the message?

I can follow blindly now,some of it seems,i need to update VoltBuilder.json,but dont know where is it.i can only see Cordova build.json in voltbuilder and Cordova section.

VoltBuilder.json gets created from your setting in Project Properties, in the VoltBuilder & Cordova section.

Now i get it .i supose in this case,i dont need voltsigner,am i right? I get err from voltbuilder when uploading to play console.

VoltBuilder.log (36.1 KB)

Here’s the full message (from the log):

[Google Play Store] Getting credentials from certificates/google.json
[Google Play Store] Authenticating
[Google Play Store] Requesting access to upload a new release
Error requesting access to upload a new release to the Google Play Store:
<HttpError 404 when requesting returned “Package not found: com.TsTan.MathxEX.”. Details: “Package not found: com.TsTan.MathxEX.”>

It looks like you do not have the app set up quite right in the Google Play store.

Try again ,sunday afternoon here.try again.see below.still need voltsigner?
.vb_Screenshot 2021-04-11 004100 VoltBuilder_11sunday.log (35.7 KB)

It would be very helpful if you simply posted the error you are getting. You can see it without looking at the log. It is:

Incorrect androidAlias or androidAliasPassword in keystore.

You have the incorrect file in Android keystore. It should end in .p12 or .keystore. It is the file you created using VoltSigner.

3rd try.see errerr.log (125 Bytes) VoltBuilder11042021.log (27.5 KB) voltbuilderpropertiesScreenshot 2021-04-11 073829

Android keystore should probably be certificates/android.p12.

You mean one certificate folder,1p12,1 json file?

I’m sorry, I do not understand you.

I mean 2 certificates ,both in certificates i right.

Technically, google.json is not a certificate. It just has information.

Yes, both files should be in the certificates folder.

Internal testing,MathxEx.debug.v100,apk download to d drive,no err message,didnt upload to play idea what internal testing is.

VoltBuilder_2021_04_12 0310.log (29.6 KB)

You’ll need to consult Google’s documentation to find out more about Google Play Tracks.