Push notifications possible in PWAs

I see in the Wikipedia on PWAs they say

“Functionality includes working offline, push notifications, and…”

Is Push notifications something we can do in AppStudio PWAs?

Hi… If I understand correctly when you say PWA, it means that you have a system composed by a web page and an Android or IOS app correct?

If so, as far as I know NSBasic provides native connection with pushwoosh (in fact I think there is an example about that) which is a push service

In my experience, I prefer to use One Signal. This is free and relatively easy to implement. I already implemented in my android and IOS apps (using phonegap), and I know that you can implement it in your web page using javascripts, but I didn´t have the necessity to implement it yet.

Best Regards,

Push Notifications can be used in AppStudio apps - PWA or otherwise. As @Gonzo_Moco pointed out, we include a sample, perhaps somewhat dated, using PushWoosh. One Signal and others should also work.

The PushWoosh sample’s description said it needed to be in a PhoneGap app. Not the case obviously.

Good point! Yes, there is more to this question. PWAs have a Service Worker involved with them.

Would every user of my apps have to go through the setup stages of codelab?

The Google article is for developers to add push notifications to your app. Your users won’t need to know how to do this.

Whoa. I’m way out of my depth here. Is there likely to be an example project for receiving notifications in a PWA coming anytime soon?

It’s on the list, but not near the top right now.

First, is this article and Mobile push notifications the latest info?

It seems to me, if you have to use a plug-in that you can not have a web app, and therefore no PWA.

A sample with Voltbuilder would be nice and apparently not many modifications to the code. Mainly the docs. I’m not familiar with pushwoosh, but there are several Android and iOS services, all basically the same, just formatting differences in the calls. I was looking at AWS SNS to originate the push message, and they do not seem to support the pushwoosh. But I just started looking at this new capability that would way preferable to texting or emailing notifications.

We don’t have any new information here - we have had no occasion to use this feature ourselves.